7 Days without Facebook

Posted by Arvi on Monday, August 05, 2013
I was disconnected to Facebook for a week. Here are the reasons why:
  1. I hated the news. The ratio between the good and the bad was very disappointing. And then you'll see people sharing and reposting. There was even this news about two kids missing. Then someone posted about the details of how they were found, lifeless inside an abandoned car, then people added more details by posting comments. Heartbreaking.
  2. People became superficial. Not all but some. And it was irritating. Posting statuses about everything they were doing, posting photos of food they were eating, etc. just for the purpose of having something to post. Creating an image very far from reality. You'll see a big difference between people who just want to share and those who go out of their way just so they'll have something to post.
  3. Photos of people with tubes and other medical stuff, looking so frail and weak. See, I get the message. But I don't want to see them looking so helpless over and over again. I'd rather see them full of life, fighting.
  4. Narcicists! Lol. Seriously, I have friends on my list posting selfies, album after album. Doing this, doing that.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything and I don't want to claim that I am not guilty of doing these things because there's no way for me to know. Maybe some people see my posts in the same ways I've mentioned above. Just maybe, because I would like to believe that my posts are very much in the adorable genre (who's not gonna adore my cute little belle? Lol). I did try to hide them in my feed but trust me, with Facebook's interface, they will come up eventually.

Though I reactivated it already, I didn't miss it. Now I know that I can do without it should Facebook gets wiped off the face of the earth. 

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